About All Natural Dog Foods

Raw dog food / Friday, July 5th, 2019

Your Guide To Dog Training Courses

If you haven’t decided to start feeding your dog an all natural dog food, then I will try to convince you. The food many of us feed our dogs is loaded with artificial flavors, colors even toxins and pesticides.

The meant by-products that the dog food manufacturers use are not fit for human consumption, so why would we feed it to our closest companion? Many dogs are allergic to artificial colors and their bodies react by having chronic ear infections or itchy skin prone to hot spots.

The toxins and additives aren’t any better for our pets than they are for you. Our pet’s lives are too short already, let us start doing something to help increase their life span instead of shortening it.

The best natural dog foods I have come across actually bring us back to basics. What would our dogs be eating if they were living in their most natural state? They would be eating raw food.

Feeding raw food to your dog, (or yourself, is not a new concept. Don’t let it scare you, I’m not suggesting you catch a rabbit and give it whole to your dog! However, you will truly be feeding your dog uncooked meat, vegetables and even bones.

Feeding raw is really quite simple, easy to prepare, and you can get it ready ahead of time. It’s generally less expensive to feed raw food than many commercial foods.

A raw dog food diet simply refers to feeding your dog a diet which will completely exclude all commercial dog foods. You will, however, need to start a good relationship with your local butcher.

Some of the health benefits you will notice after feeding a raw diet for dogs are: cleaner teeth, better smelling breath, your dog’s skin allergies will disappear, arthritis pain and stiffness will be significantly reduced, noticeably shinier coat, less stool to pick up, (won’t that be nice), even a longer life span.

There are just a few of the many benefits, there are more. This is a diet that is easier for your pet to digest because it is what they would be eating naturally.

It will have the correct balance of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes and they will be in their natural state, which makes them easier for your dog’s body to absorb. All of these things will improve your dog’s overall health and sense of wellbeing. You may also notice that his energy level increases.

Starting out feeding raw can seem a bit confusing, even overwhelming, but it really isn’t that difficult. The best way to start out is to find a source of information from someone who has been feeding raw.

What is an All Natural Dog Food?

What’s on your mind when you consider an all natural dog food? Could it be a commercial pet food which has the word ‘natural’ on the packet? Could it be you think of cooking your own dog food from scratch? Do you consider table scraps to be the ideal diet?

Wrong! None of the above will address your dog’s health, Why not?

Well, the commercial dog food starts off with very low-grade meat, mostly meat by-products (the better quality going for the higher priced human food), high fat and sometimes euthanased animals, which contain the chemical sodium pentobarbital. Then, to bulk out the already cheap ‘meat’, a non-nutritional filler is added. That can be sugar, as there’s a world glut of it at the moment, or melamine if you live in China.

Then, to keep the product indefinitely at room temperature a preservative is added.

When you see a packet of dried dog food in the shop, with slogan ‘preservative free’ ask yourself this question – how can dired ‘meat’ be kept indefinitely at room temperature without preservatives? Do you think you wouldn’t have heard of a new way to do this, if there was?

So either there is no ‘meat’ or there is preservative present. Trouble is, the preservatives used are very strong, cause huge health problems and aren’t allowed in human food.

So commercial pet food can be crossed off as all natural dog food!

I see quite a lot of ‘dog experts’ on the internet advocating you cook your own. Whilst what is hugely better than commercial pet food, it’s still missing the vital nutrients that are lost in cooking.

Typically these are vitamins and enzymes, both essential for a healthy dog. But other nutrients are altered by cooking. Fat changes during the cooking process from a beneficial food to a harmful once.

So you can cross through this one too, like all natural dog food.

What about table scraps? That depends so much on table scraps. If the human food is good, natural one of lots of raw fruit and veg, with lightly cooked meat, then these table scraps have the potential of being the best option out of all three options, as long as there is enough left over to satisfy your dog’s nutritional needs.

If, however, your diet is typically fast food with a lot of processed food, then these table scraps will be little better than the commercial pet food.

Yet another cross though.

There is only one all natural dog food and that’s the one dogs evolved on. Nothing that mankind has done has improved on iota on that. And a considerable decline has occurred. Dogs have evolved over millions of years on an all natural dog food it keeps them happy and healthy.

Once you get to grip with the idea of how dogs evolved, duplicating that diet within the constraints of what is available and the limits on your time is not that difficult. However, there are a few important things you need to know such as:

  1. What food shouldn’t be given more than once a week?
  2. Should bones be given?
  3. What carbohydrates are the best ones how much?
  4. Are there any fruit or vegetables that shouldn’t be given?
  5. What anima acid is essential to a dog’s healthy skin?
  6. Should you supplement the diet?
  7. How do you convert the diet of an elderly or sick dog safely?

When you change the diet of your dog from commercial pet food to an all natural dog food, there may initially be a detoxing period. This si normal and natural, but can seem a bit scary to you if you don’t understand why it’s happening and the symptoms.

It should be of short duration, depending on your dog’s age and level of health.

Dogs digestion is robust. They have evolved on eating raw meat and carrion. They can’t hope with preservatives, fillers, high-fat or low-grade protein, none of which occurs (at least in high proportions) in nature.

Once you have your dog on all-natural dog food, you’ll find fewer and fewer health problems. I’m sure you’d be as happy as anyone, to cut your dog’s professional health fees.

Why Should You Feed Your Dog All Natural Dog Food?

Pets are member of our family, just as we take care of our family when it comes to our food and nutrition, we also need to pay attention to the foods we are feeding our dogs. There are many advantages of feeding natural foods to dogs.

All natural dog food is particularly rich in vitamin E and C, that’s very important for their body. Vitamin E is important for your dog’s coat to keep is shiny. Vitamin C is good for their bones. All of these vitamins impact in the same manner as in the human body. Vitamin such as beta-carotene is helpful in removing toxins from the body commonly known as free radicals.

Animals normally eat meat; therefore, their body gain lots of toxic material in their bloodstream and if toxic material is not removed, based on what I researched, in their body then there are lots of chances of them getting infected with diseases of heart and lungs.

It’s good to produce supplements of all natural food daily to keep your dogs free of infection and diseases.

All natural dog foods are a food source of fiber and antioxidant. Some of the natural food contain manganese, phosphorous, calcium and potassium. All these vitamins and minerals are very much necessary in this diet. There are many vegetables rich in antioxidant these as, dark yellow and bright orange.

By feeding all natural dogs in such as a meal is keeping your dog healthy for long years to come.

There are many all natural dog foods sold on the market today for you to chose from. However, it’s better to consult with your veterinarian before feeding canned natural food. Consult with your veterinarian before changing your dog’s diet.

All natural dog food will dive your dog health benefits including fresh breath, brilliant shine to your dog’s coat, clean teeth, and bright clear eyes by providing all of his nutritional needs. Just as in humans a good nutritional diet can also give your dog energy and just feeling better all around.

All natural dog food has its own advantages and experts in the field also say it’s recommended to give natural dog food without all of the processed manufacturing that comes with commercial dog food.

Remember a good dog is a happy and healthy dog.

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