How To Stop Puppy From Crying In The Crate

Puppy care / Monday, July 31st, 2023

Puppies are incredibly charming, but they can also be unbelievably loud. Puppies are a lot like babies in that they need to be constantly supervised, fed and cared. Like human offspring, they cry when they’re starving or want a diaper change.

A puppy that cries, whines or howls when crated can be a real headache for his owner.

But what if your puppy cries in the crate? Even if it’s just for a few minutes, the fear of being left alone can be terrifying for a pup. Crate training is an essential part of raising a puppy but can be difficult when your puppy cries constantly.

If you have a new puppy and are struggling to get them to stop crying in their crate, don’t worry – we’re here to help. This article will tell you how to stop a puppy from crying in the crate!

Reasons Puppies Cry In the Crate 

Crying is a natural response to the stress and anxiety of being left alone. It is a signal of your pup’s distress, and it can be very stressful to hear them cry when you are not there to comfort them.

Puppies cry when they’re in their crate for the following principal reasons:

  1. Puppies cry when they’re in pain or are scared
  2. They are tired or bored and want to play
  3. Pups have an empty belly and need food
  4. They need to go outside to potty and haven’t been taken out recently enough (minimum every 2 hours).
  5. They want attention from you, and he feels ignored when left alone in his crate for too long without any interaction with you.

How to Stop Puppy From Crying In Crate!

1) Rule out the Problem

  • The first thing to do is make sure that your puppy is not sick. Your cute sweetie gets infected by external parasites like ticks, mites and fleas, and infectious diseases.
  • Infectious diseases include parvovirus, distemper and leptospirosis. Parvo is especially dangerous to puppies under four months old.
  • Ensure that he doesn’t have an ear infection or other health problem that might be causing him pain or discomfort when he’s in his crate.
  • If your puppy has a fever or coughs frequently, he may have Kennel Cough or another respiratory infection that needs treatment with antibiotics from your vet.
  • If your puppy has diarrhea, is vomiting or seems lazy, he should be taken to the vet immediately.

“Vaccinate your puppy, keep them free of fleas and worms, train them and get them microchipped!”

2) Crate Training!

  • Pups are inquisitive, bouncing, and lively. They can also be destructive and noisy. The crate is your puppy’s home, a den to snooze and relax. He will spend more time there than any other place in the house.
  • Teaching your puppy to love his crate can be a challenge. However, it’s crucial to create a safe and comfortable space for him to stay while you’re away.
  • Crating your puppy will keep them safe from chewing on dangerous items, but it will also teach them how to settle down when they’re alone.

How to Teach Puppy to Stop Crying In the Crate!

  • Open the door just enough for your puppy to stick his head through if he wants to come out but not enough to get through. Your puppy will likely stop whining once he realizes that he can’t escape from his crate!
  • Throw treats into the crate whenever your puppy is quiet for longer than a minute or two (or whatever time frame works best for him). It will encourage your puppy to stay calm, peaceful and focused on positive things instead of negative ones like whining and crying!

3) Create a Routine!

Ensure to establish a daily routine that includes feeding him at specific times and taking him out for potty breaks every few hours. It will help him recognize when it’s time for bedtime and when he can expect food or walks. When your puppy goes into the crate of their own free will (without being prompted), give them praise and treats for doing so (this reinforces positive associations).

4) Positive Reinforcement!

Use positive reinforcement when teaching your puppy how to behave in a crate. Acclaim the pup when he goes into the crate on his own. Reward them with treats or affection when the puppy stays there quietly while you are gone.

5) Avoid Punishment! 

Don’t punish your puppy when he cries — instead, try positive reinforcement such as giving treats or playing with him when he stops crying (after he’s been left alone long enough). You can also give him a Kong toy stuffed with peanut butter or yogurt as an alternative chewing option and something calming toys like catnip or valerian root toys for him during anxiety. Consider calming collars that can help with Separation Anxiety.

6) Place Your Stuff in Crate!

Give the puppy something that belongs to you or make it a habit of giving him an old shirt with your scent on it when he sleeps at night. It will help lessen his anxiety by giving him the feeling that he’s not alone at night.

7) Don’t let them out!

Your sweetie pup may cry because he’s terrified, restless or lonely. But if you let him out of the crate too soon when he cries, it will only worsen things. But as much as he may want out, it’s essential to keep him in his crate until he settles down. 

8) Give your puppy something to chew on!

It could be one of the puppy’s favorite toys or something new that you introduced recently, like a rawhide bone. Chewing will give your cute buddy something to do and help pass the time while enclosed in his crate.

9) Provide Comfort!

The crate should be warm and cozy with no draughts blowing on it. It will also help prevent any injury if they get too excited and jump around inside the crate. Make sure to put something soft and snuggly in the crate with your puppy!

10) Keep Away Nails & Wires!

Make sure there are no loose wires or anything sharp inside that could hurt them if they get too excited and start moving around too much (this can especially be an issue if your puppy has long nails!).

11) Use soft bedding in its crate!

Make sure that your puppy has something comfortable to lie on in his crate (cushion or towel) so that he doesn’t have to lie directly on hard plastic or metal surfaces all day long if he decides not to sleep there!

12) Potty Break!

Make sure that your cute pup is getting enough potty breaks during the daytime. Don’t force your puppy into the crate. Let him come out at will, even if it’s just to take a bathroom break or play with a toy in the room.

13) Keep the Crate in a Busy Room!

Keep the crate near to your bed and in a high-traffic zone of your home. Keep the crate in an accessible access room and not isolated from the family activity. So, put it near the living room or kitchen where plenty of people are coming and going throughout the day.

14) Feed You Puppy Before Crating!

Ensure your puppy is well fed before leaving it alone in its crate. If your puppy is hungry and anxious because he hasn’t eaten yet, he may cry while you’re gone because he wants something to eat so badly! Your puppy must eat before being left home alone so that he doesn’t cry out of hunger.

15) Use the Accurate Dimension Crate!

The crate should be the right size for your dog, so he has room to stand up, lie down, turn around, and sit comfortably without touching the sides of the crate. A crate that is too big will make him feels insecure and anxious, leading to whining or crying. If he gets too big for his crate, consider getting him another one, so he has plenty of room to move around once he’s grown into an adult dog.

16) Exercise Your Puppy!

Give your puppy plenty of exercise before putting him in his crate at night or when you’re out of the house. It will tire him out to be more likely to sleep instead of whine or cry while inside his crate.

17) Consent The Puppy Alone for Some time!

Don’t leave your pup alone for too long at first. Start by leaving the puppy for just five minutes and gradually increase this time until he can spend an hour or more inside without any problems. It will help it get used to being left alone in its home environment, which will make it less likely to cry out of loneliness later on.

“Do not leave the puppy in the crate for more than 3 hours”.

18) Toys and Treats!

Make sure that your pup has plenty of toys and treats available inside the crate so that he doesn’t get bored or frustrated with his confinement. A Kong toy filled with peanut butter can be a lifesaver! Give your puppy a small treat before you put it into the crate; this will help to build positive associations with the crate.

19) Remove Distractions!

Ensure that there are no distractions in the room that may cause your puppy to cry harder. If there are other people or pets around, try putting them in another room, so your puppy does not get distracted by their presence!

20) Ignore the Behavior!

  • Even if he cries, ignore him until he stops crying and settles down in his crate. When this happens, give him some praise! This way, the puppy learns that crying will not get it anywhere and will calm down quickly.
  • Don’t use food as a bribe when trying to get your puppy into the crate. It will only teach them that crying equals treats and can make it more difficult for you as they get older.

Takeaway Message!

This post offered a few tips on stopping your puppy from crying in the crate. Crate training can be a complicated process, but it is essential to be patient and consistent.

Puppies typically cry in the crate because they are uncomfortable or afraid. You have to teach puppies to use crates and make it a positive experience. If you follow the tips mentioned above, you can help your puppy feel more comfortable and stop crying.

“Even though you may want to give up, never give up!”

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