9 Basic Things That You Should Teach A Puppy

Puppy care / Monday, July 31st, 2023

There are various fundamental things that you should teach a puppy, even before you begin housebreaking him. Start training your puppy as soon as you bring him home, and continue reinforcing the commands regularly throughout his life. While there are many different ways to go about puppy training, here are some basic things that you should teach your new furry friend:

1) Teach Basic Commands

You’ll need the right equipment for training, including a leash, collar and treats or toys. There are some basic commands that you should teach your puppy.

a) Come

This obedience command is vital because you may need to call your pup when they are out playing or exploring things.

How to Teach

To teach this command, start by saying “come” while gently pulling on the leash towards yourself so that your pup starts walking towards you on his own accord (if he doesn’t, then try again later). Once he comes towards you, praise him and give him a treat!

b) Stay

Teaching a puppy to stay will be helpful if they have found something tasty while walking on the street or are about to run into traffic or try to jump on people.

How to Teach

Start in a quiet and separate room where there are no diversions. Hold out one finger in front of your puppy’s nose and say, “stay.” Your puppy will likely follow your finger with his eyes, but don’t move any further than that yet.

Next, say “good stay” and give him praise. If he does move while he’s staying, gently hold his collar and tell him “what a good boy my pup is” when he returns to his spot. It teaches him that moving isn’t allowed when he hears the word “stay.”

c) Down

Puppies love to explore their new world and quickly go from one thing to another. The down command is a great way to keep your puppy under control and safe.

How to Teach

Start with your puppy on a leash in an open area, like your backyard or a park. Hold the leash with one hand, and with the other hand, gently pull your puppy’s head toward you until he lies down on his side or back.

Choose a command word for this exercise, such as “down” or “lie down”. Praise him for obeying by saying something like “good boy!” or “I love it when you listen!”

d) No

It is an excellent command to teach your puppy. It can help stop unwanted behavior, like teething, barking, or chewing on things off-limits.

How to Teach

Teaching “No” isn’t difficult, but it does take some patience. Start by saying “No” in a happy tone of voice. Then give the puppy a treat as soon as he stops doing whatever you’re asking him not to do.

Over time, your puppy will learn that “No” means he won’t get a treat unless he stops doing whatever you don’t want him to do.

e) Sit

Sitting down can help keep your dog safe by keeping them still when loud noises or other things around them might scare them off into flight mode (running away).

How to Teach

You can teach this by placing food at their face level and then giving them a treat after sitting down on their own accord. Then repeat this process until they learn the command!

Remember: repetition and consistency is a key!

2) Crate Training 

Crate training is most effective if you start early in life — ideally between eight weeks old and 12 weeks old, according to the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS).

The crate should be big enough for your puppy to stand up, turn around and lie down comfortably. If your puppy doesn’t like being in the crate at first, try putting something tasty inside it, such as a bit of cheese or peanut butter, on the crate floor; when the pup goes into the crate to get the treat, enthusiastically give lots of attention. It may encourage the puppy to go into the crate on his own more often.

Once your puppy is used to going into his crate on command (typically within two weeks), start with the word “stay”, followed by rewarding them when they obey (a treat works great!). Just give your pup enough time to relax and settle down before letting him out again (usually about 15 minutes). The best way to do this is by feeding your puppy his meals inside of it at first before you begin training him to stay there on his own.

3) Potty Training 

There are many different ways to instruct your puppy to potty, including crate training, paper training, and even using a collar with a bell attached so that you can hear when he needs to go out!

Choose a Spot: Select an indoor location where your puppy will likely have the most success with potty training (for example, near the door). If possible, use grass if there are patches nearby — this will make it easier for your pup to tell if he needs to relieve himself outside!

The best method is to take him outside every hour during breaks in his schedule (for example, when he wakes up or after meals). After he goes, praise him and give him a treat for using the right spot!

It will also help prevent accidents inside your home if you forget about giving them access outside for too long.

4) Leash Training

When you’re teaching a puppy to walk on a leash, you’ll need to start by making sure the puppy is comfortable with being handled. Once your dog is pleased with being handled, you can train your pup to walk on a leash. Make sure to start with a light leash long enough for your puppy to move around comfortably on it.

Hold the other end of the leash and let your puppy explore the surroundings while walking beside you.  Say “heel”, and then give him lots of praise and petting when he walks beside or behind you naturally without pulling on the leash (this may take several attempts). If your puppy starts pulling ahead of you, stop walking, so they come back towards you and then continue walking again once they are beside you again.

5) Handling Excessive Barking 

Barking is a natural way for dogs to communicate. But if your puppy continues to bark excessively after the first few weeks, you may want to consider some training tips.

  • Teach your puppy “be quiet” command. It will help you train your puppy not only to stop barking but also to stop whining, crying, jumping and other annoying behaviors that can drive you crazy!
  • If your pup is barking for attention or because he’s bored, give him something worthwhile to do, such as a chew toy or Kong filled with peanut butter or cream cheese.
  • Play fetch with him outside (make sure there are no cars around).
  • Provide plenty of exercise (for 15 minutes) and mental stimulation.

6) Prevention of Separation Anxiety

Puppies can become anxious and destructive when left alone. If you have a puppy with separation anxiety, you must teach them to be alone.

Here are some helpful tips for teaching your puppy to be alone:

  • Leave the room when it’s not necessary
  • Leave for short periods at first
  • Give him something fun to do when you leave
  • Start by making sure that the puppy is comfortable being in the crate for short periods and with just a few toys. Next, reward the puppy for staying in the crate for more extended periods and more toys. It may take several days or weeks to get the puppy comfortable being left alone.

7) Feeding and Nutrition

Food is one of the best tools a dog trainer can use. It’s inexpensive, easy to get, and rewards your dog’s good behavior. Feed your puppy after he wakes up, after play and before bedtime. It will help your puppy learn that meals are not just another time to play but a time to eat and relax.

To use food rewards effectively, remember these three things:

  • Use them as incentives for new commands or behaviors that you want your dog to learn
  • Use them to reward good behavior when you see it (i.e., when they look at you when being called; when they sit on command)
  • Use them as reinforcement for the desired behavior

8) Grooming and Hygiene 

It would be best to teach your puppy to accept grooming and nail clipping. It will make it easier for you to clip your pup’s nails later. Grooming is not only a way to keep your dog clean and healthy, but it is also a bonding experience between you and your pet. Plus, it’s more fun than brushing your teeth! The grooming process allows you to check your puppy’s health, clean their ears, teeth and nails and make sure that they are free from parasites or other pests.

9) Socialization 

Socializing your puppy is essential for his health, happiness and safety. You can take him out in public places such as parks, stores, and sidewalks where lots of people and other dogs are around. It helps him become accustomed to unfamiliar sights and sounds, so he won’t be scared when he encounters them later.

Monitor Key Directions!

Teach household manners early on by not allowing him to chew on items like shoes or furniture and ensuring that he doesn’t jump up on furniture or counters when guests are over (or even when he’s greeting them). Also, don’t let him walk all over you — if he wants attention from you, teach him to sit down instead of jumping up on you or pushing past you!

To Wrap Things Up!

Puppies are a lot of fun, but they also require a lot of training. This article outlined some basic things that you should teach your new puppy. Make sure to take the time to train and care for your new adorable buddy properly. By starting early and staying consistent, you can set your puppy up for success.

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