How To Train Your Dog To Use A Leash And Collar

Dog training

Many different strategies and techniques can be used as part of your dog training program, but it’s essential to find the methods that work best for your family and your pet so that you can enjoy the most well-behaved and loyal animal possible. Every successful style of dog training is focused on preserving and even […]

October 18, 2019

Correcting Bad Behavior In Dogs

Dog training

There are many behaviors in dogs that are considered bad. Barking through the night and keeping you from sleeping is one. Dogs that nip or bite you or visitors are also an issue. Chewing your belongings instead of his toys is often an expensive bad behavior. If your dog exhibits any of these behaviors, he […]

October 18, 2019

House Training A Dog

Dog training

While pet owners would find it convenient for their dog to use the toilet and flush after each use, that is not what potty pet training is all about. Instead, owners train their dogs to let them know when the animal needs to go outside and do his business. The procedure to potty train a […]

October 18, 2019

How To Teach Your Dog To Sit Like You

Dog training

Sitting up is a very easy trick to teach to small dogs, but this isn’t something that you want to train a bigger dog to do given that larger animals can have a hard time maintaining their balance. Training a dog to sit up is one of the very first tricks that you should teach […]

October 18, 2019