You Should Know These Things Before Having Your Dog

Dog care

Don’t be surprised if I say dogs are one of the most popular pets around the globe. This is so because the addition of a dog into your family can be highly enriching and add a lot of entertainment, fun, and joy to your life. However, remember that owning a pet is an immense responsibility […]

July 31, 2023

22 Things You Should Before Having A Dog

Dog care

Dogs are truly man’s best friend. They are very loyal and loving animals. They are also very smart and can be trained to do many tricks. Before you bring your furry friend home, it’s important to be aware of some of the responsibilities of dog ownership. I’ll cover everything you need to make an informed […]

July 31, 2023

Best Way To Feed Your Dog: An Ultimate Guide

Dog care

Feeding your dog is one of the most basic things you need to know when owning a pet. After all, the act of feeding is an ongoing process that requires regular attention and care. If you feed your dog according to their needs, you’re sure to have healthy animals content with eating and happy in […]

July 31, 2023

How To Handle Dog Dehydration Problems

Dog care

Dehydration is caused when dogs lose too much body fluids. Minerals called electrolytes are also lost when the dog becomes dehydrated. Dehydration in dogs can cause some severe health problems if left untreated. Since dogs are unable to sweat they release excess heat by panting. If a dog pants hard for a long time, it […]

October 17, 2019

A Healthy Diet For Canine Oral Health

Dog care

A dog is man’s best friend, is it not? Your dog is loyal and always happy to see you return home, with tail wagging and eyes smiling. To show your pet that you love them equally as much, take care of their teeth and mouth and keep them eating well into late adulthood. Your dog’s […]

October 17, 2019

Proper Table Etiquette For Your Dog

Dog care

If you want a nice house-dog, you will have to teach your puppy proper table manners. He must learn not to struggle when asked him to give up his food to you and not to take food that is not his. Teaching your puppy both of these aspects of good table manners early helps to […]

October 17, 2019

The Right Ways To Raise Puppies

Dog care

Probably, no one gives you unconditional and infinite love as your puppy. Therefore, for that endless supply of love, it’s important to take good care of your puppy for years to come till he becomes a fully grown dog. When a puppy comes in your life for the first time, it’s hard to explain the […]

July 5, 2019